Monday, 25 May 2009

The end of the blog?

How can I call the blog "Pan European" when I've taken these two for a run? The DN-01 is an odd beast, but onceyou get out of the habbit of attempting to use the clutch, and you realise that there's no engine braking, it's a decent enough bike. It's built around someone a bit smaller than myself, so the ergonomics were not quite there. It is probably going to end up with a huge following, and an owners club that argues about whether the black or the purple model is the fastest.

And as for the 'Wing... Well you don't realise that you are driving around on a half ton of bike. I'm tempted...

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Dorset Cereals little awards
Please click here to vote for John at Lifeboat Scrapbook.
Given how much I hate boats, I've got a lot of respect for people who go willingly into the face of a storm.

I don't get anything for you clicking. You could win some museli.
John could win an attractive eggcup...